Closing Costs 解释

February 1, 2024 5分钟

Once you’ve saved for a down payment, found the prefect home, and received a formal pre-approval for a mortgage, 如果你没有准备好,结案费用可能是一个令人不快的惊喜.

是什么 closing costs?

成交费用是你购买或再融资房屋时必须支付的费用. Here are 5 things to know:

  1. 它们通常在借款总额的1%至3%之间. 例如, 500美元,000 mortgage, you could expect to pay anywhere between $5,000 to $15,000 in closing costs.
  2. 成交费用通常在贷款成交时自掏腰包. 然而, the exception is the home inspection, which is usually due and payable at the time it is performed.
  3. 这是可能的谈判卖方信贷部分,或全部,成交成本 as part of the contract signing process. 你的房地产经纪人会帮助你完成这个过程. 许多贷方对您作为卖方信贷可以收到的金额进行限制, typically between 2% and 6% of the purchase price, depending on the loan program and other factors. 请务必与您的住房贷款顾问或贷方合作,了解与您的特定贷款计划相关的限制.
  4. 它们可以分为两类:经常性的和非经常性的. 经常性成本是指你在交易结束时要支付的成本,以及作为房主要继续支付的成本. 经常性成本的例子是房主的保险和税收. 非经常性成本是与购买房屋相关的一次性费用——我们将在下一节中概述其中的许多费用.
  5. 贷款人需要给你一个交易完成成本的估计 在收到完整的申请后的三个工作日内. (This is called a Loan Estimate.)
提示 & 事实

提示 & 事实

结案成本分为两类:经常性成本和非经常性成本. 经常性成本与结算时将产生的成本有关, and continue to pay for as a homeowner.

What is included in closing costs


  • Appraisal fee -这是你支付给专业估价师评估你所购买房屋的价值和状况的费用. 它的成本可能高达700至800美元,大多数贷款人要求确保房屋的价值足以保证贷款金额,并且其条件符合抵押品适用性要求.
  • Impound account – Also known as an escrow account, 这是由您的贷方/服务机构设置和维护的,用于支付您的财产税, homeowner’s insurance, and if applicable, mortgage insurance premiums. 这些账户需要初始资金(通常相当于两个月的税收和保险费),在贷款结束时从口袋里支付, 随后的资金由每个月的按揭付款收集而来. Impound accounts are typically optional, 但对于某些贷款项目或首付款低于20%的贷款,可能需要缴纳保证金.
  • Title insurance -这是一种保险,保护你和你的贷款人免受任何有关财产所有权的索赔或纠纷. It is usually based on the purchase price of the home, 它还包括产权搜索的费用,后者核实了房产的法律历史. There are two types of title insurance available:
  • Lender’s policy -本保单保护贷款人免受因购买后可能出现的未被发现的所有权缺陷而造成的损失, such as outstanding liens, 税款, or unsettled ownership claims, such as from contested wills. Your lender will require this coverage, 买方将在贷款结束时支付该保险的费用.
  • Owner’s policy -本保单保护您免受与贷款机构保单相同的风险所造成的经济损失. While this coverage is optional, it is highly recommended. In some areas, it’s customary for this cost to be paid by the seller, 如果你从同一家产权保险公司购买两份保单,你的成本可能比分别购买要低.
  • Mortgage insurance – Government-insured loans like FHA, VA, 或美国农业部要求预付全部或部分抵押贷款保险费. These premiums are typically rolled into the new loan, or you may opt to pay them out of pocket at closing. Depending on the program, the fees can range from 1.00% to 3.30% of the loan amount.
  • 托管费用 – This is a fee you pay to an escrow company, 哪一个第三方(或者它可能是产权保险提供商)持有和转移你和卖方之间的资金和文件. 通常是购买价格的一定百分比或固定费用, depending on the state and the company.
  • Recording fee -这是您向房产所在的县或市支付的费用,用于在公共记录中记录所有权的转移. It is usually a flat fee, such as $200 or $300.
  • Transfer tax -这是你在购买房产时向州或地方政府缴纳的税. 通常是购买价格的一定百分比或固定费用, depending on the location and the type of property. 通常,你可以协商让卖家支付这笔费用.
  • 首页 inspection fee -这是您支付的费用,请专业检查员检查您购买的房屋的状况. It is usually $350 – $450 and it is optional, but highly recommended, to identify any potential problems or defects in the home. 房屋检查与贷款人要求的评估是分开的,它会让你更全面地了解房屋的状况及其主要组成部分.
  • Wood destroying pest inspection fee – This inspection, usually paid for by the buyer, provides details of any active infestations of termites, 真菌, 或干腐病(称为第1部分发现),以及任何可能导致未来虫害的条件发现,如果不加以纠正(称为第2部分发现)。. The inspection fee typically runs around $200. 如果贷款人要求,任何维修费用通常由卖方支付.
  • 调查费 -这是您可能需要支付的费用,请专业测量员测量并绘制您正在购买的房产的边界和特征. It usually averages $400 – $800, although it can be as much as $2,000 – $5,000 in some states or situations. While it is typically optional, 有时贷款人或产权公司可能会要求核实物业的大小和位置.

